Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Truth About Writing

Hello there. I'm writing today just to fulfil my writing schedule. As you can see what I'm going to write today is nothing I guess. This is just writing speed test. So I'm going to write for about 5 minutes. How many words it could be, I don't know, but I'm just writing.

For your info, if you are still new in writing, maybe you must feel that writing is the last thing you wanna do right? Some of you will think that you are not born as a writer. I too felt like that before. Now I can write whatever I wnat, anytime anywhere. This is the power if you know the skill.

Writing must have knowledge. Yes whatever thing you do must be followed by knowledge. How you can find knowledge? From reading, observation, experience and many more sources that you can find from. Knowledge is power.

Besides that, brain control must be taken care of. You must control your brain. How to control your brain? By doing practice. Practices make perfect. So you must practise everyday and control your brain not to be exausted. Your brain will follow whatever you want if you have the control to your brain.

That's all for today. Good day and Merry Christmas.

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